Harvest, Tomatoes, and Fall Plantings
Some of our tomatoes are blushing and we are beginning to harvest more than we can eat daily. In a week or two, we will need to begin canning the tomatoes in order to use the mountain of tomatoes we will soon be taking off the vine. This is also the time of year when all we're going to plant for harvest before the first fall frost must be in the ground. An exciting time indeed. Red and Yellow Blessings. The sun sugar tomatoes are tiny, orange-colored super-sweet tomatoes when ripe. They are viny and grow in grape-like clusters. We don't can them, of course. They are too small. Rather, we eat them as fast as we can pick them, atop pesto, on a bruschetta, any way we can think of. The last of the enormous yellow onions for the year have been plucked from the soil and, with them, some of the curing garlic snoozes before the whirring fan in the garage. The spring carrots are harvested and the fall seedlings b...